South Carolina Gallery
Scroll through photos during the filming and editing of The Abyss in South Carolina.

Crew Videos
Watch two behind-the-scenes videos mentioned in the ebook memoir, including the hilarious gag reel.
California Gallery
Peruse photo gallery of post-production in California, including the analogue editing system!
Being a life long ‘Student of the Cinema’ and 40+ year Production Sound Mixer in Hollywood, I have read many books about all aspects of film history and production. “Life’s Abyss and then you Dive” is the most honest story of the war that is filmmaking. All the characters remind me of those I’ve met and toiled with along the way. The unrealistic expectations somehow fulfilled against all odds are well told and honest. I’ve read the story twice and gifted others with this book. If you are a novice or veteran, you will find yourself and others among the characters Joe Woo documents in great detail in this authentic tale about a big time filmmaker and his crew on a fantastic film. Enjoy and learn.
Your book about your work on The Abyss is unique and extraordinary. It’s a portrait of the unsung labor that goes into a huge work of art, but it’s also a snapshot of the film industry on the cusp of major technological revolutions. I found it really fascinating to be in the foxhole (pardon the pun) with you, and I’m in awe of how much you could remember. I had often heard that The Abyss was one of the most challenging movies ever made, and now I understand much more about it. Thanks for creating this fascinating and unvarnished time capsule!