Joel in his Fox editing room. He stands in front of a Kem Junior. Cutter Moviolas are on the left.
At Fox Editing. Joel with Mary and Amos.
Editing Room that Joe took over from Chris at FOX studios.
Miller in his Fox editing room.
Ron who designed the Abyss t-shirts and Joe at Joe’s editing bench after winning the Oscar contest.
Joe and Ron at Joe’s bench
Rob at his Fox editing bench. 2000 ft. reels are on his rewinds.
Blake in his Fox editing room.
Dody by her Birthday piñata
Jim on the left. Conrad in the center, and Dody on the right during her party.
Dody wearing her tiara. Blake stands on the right.
Doron in the center and Jody Rogers on the right at the party.
Cybele attempts to hit the piñata.
Dody and Joel prepare for smashing the Abyss piñata.
Howard preparing for a swing at Dody’s birthday piñata at Fox.
Just before leaving for LAX and the Dallas Preview. Joe’s travel bag sits on the film cases in the trunk.
“The Abyss” golf cart. Notice Joe’s bloody toes after the Reel Incident.
Joe and his friend Arthur reenact the toe/reel accident in front of the Fox editing building.
Howell lights the 4th of July pinwheel at Fox.
The pinwheel on the 4th of July.
Left to right: Peter Sullivan, Blake, Hilbert, P.A., Howell on the 4th of July.
Joe on the Fox lot with Ed Harris with “The Abyss” golf cart between them.
Hilbert and Ed Harris by the Zanuck Theatre.
Todd Graff and Joe Woo Jr. in front of the Fox editing building.
Conrad enjoying Joe’s multiple birthday cakes in the Fox VFX office.
Joe Woo Jr celebrating his birthday at Fox.
Westwood preview with Blake and Dody and Dody’s sister.
The preview in Westwood with two of Dody’s sisters and sound crew. Ed Harris is on the left frame of the photo.
Kelly and Doran packing during post production’s last days.
Rob in the doorway on post-production’s last day.
Last day at Fox studios. Clear packing tape cover’s Joe’s mouth. On the left of the picture is a packing box label on the wall.
Front of the Abyss jacket with the survivor pin over upper right side.
Another picture of me and Ron at my bench
Two patches on right sleeve of crew jacket. The top patch is a seal wearing a naval cap with a dagger in its mouth, the top reads U.S. Navy Divers. The bottom reads SEALS. The bottom patch is the logo for Benthic Petroleum with the company name.
Two patches on left sleeve of crew jacket. The top patch reads DEEP CORE II below the image of a sun with blue sky and gray water. The bottom patch reads USS MONTANA at the top and SSBN-741 below it.
The back of The Abyss crew jacket with leather sleeves and patches.
The Abyss logo on the back of the crew jacket.
The long sleeve crew shirt Joe handed out to members of the post-production crew.
The back of the shirt with the logo filling the Kem pic module and going down to the projection bulb area to simulate the jacket logo. At the foot of the flatbed lies two of Cameron’s editing toys – a slinky and a rubber porcupine-quilled ball.
The Abyss logo on the front of the long sleeve shirts Joe handed out to the post crew. The faded lettering above the logo reads “Woo World Unit”.
Jim Cameron’s signing of Joe’s confidentiality script after finishing the movie. The number of assigned scripts is visible at the bottom of the page.
Gale’s Thank You note of appreciation.
Cameron’s Xmas greeting card sent to Joe showing Aspen trees.
Jim’s Xmas card and note of appreciation.
Joe Woo, Jr. Enjoying life in Maui in 2014
Joe Woo Jr surfing in El Salvador 1973